【Company Info】OPTICAL 88 x EcoDrive Plastic Recycle Programme

香港每年大約有 2,100 噸塑膠被丟棄到堆填區,對環境同生態造成嚴重破壞。OPTICAL 88 今次與 EcoDrive Hong Kong 合作,回收眼藥水樽、眼藥水瓶及隱形眼鏡包裝,實行循環再造,護眼同時愛護地球!

1. 移除塑膠包裝上的錫紙/ 標籤
2. 倒清液體抹乾淨
3. 帶到 OPTICAL 88 指定回收點♻ :https://bit.ly/2W1BMZz



了解EcoDrive的Start Small Start Now 行動:http://www.ecodrivehk.com



Celebrating the 30th anniversary of OPTICAL 88, we are grateful to present this locally-produced animated short film. The plot is about fatherhood and through the life story with his daughter, audience is able to witness the close connection between OPTICAL 88 and Hong Kong in the past 30 years.

This short film shows not only the touching story of the family but also classic local scenes, places and items which wake the memory of the Hong Kong people, for example, Lai Chi Kok Amusement Park, Hanoi Road, ice-cream truck and red posting box, etc.

In these 30 years, OPTICAL 88 stays close with every Hong Kong citizens and witnesses the evolution of Hong Kong. We hope everyone could “wear and preserve every beautiful life moment in their eyes”.

The short film will be broadcasted on different TV, online platforms and cinemas. Please enjoy the full version here: