【Company Info】OPTICAL 88 x EcoDrive Plastic Recycle Programme

香港每年大約有 2,100 噸塑膠被丟棄到堆填區,對環境同生態造成嚴重破壞。OPTICAL 88 今次與 EcoDrive Hong Kong 合作,回收眼藥水樽、眼藥水瓶及隱形眼鏡包裝,實行循環再造,護眼同時愛護地球!

1. 移除塑膠包裝上的錫紙/ 標籤
2. 倒清液體抹乾淨
3. 帶到 OPTICAL 88 指定回收點♻ :https://bit.ly/2W1BMZz



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【Progressive Lens Centre】The most complete range of HOYA progressive trial lens in Hong Kong

OPTICAL 88 is introducing the first “Progressive Lens Centre” to Hong Kong, in cooperation with HOYA, the renowned Japanese lens brand. This Centre imitates the cutting-edge fitting concepts and equipment from the success of HOYA Progressive Lens Centre in Aoyama, Japan. It’s eye examination process, wide range of advanced equipment and unique fitting method all allows customer to experience an individualized and comprehensive fitting solution.

Progressive lens consultant
Progressive lens consultant will have an initial consultation with customer to learn more about their needs of distance visions (e.g. constant document reading, prolonged use of computers or continual stay in outdoor), even individual’s eyeball movement and visual habits, in order to recommend the most appropriate lenses.

The most complete range of HOYA progressive trial lens in Hong Kong
Being the first Progressive Lens Centre of Hong Kong, this Centre provides the most complete range of HOYA progressive trial lens in the city, where customer can experience the visual effects of vision distances with the variation of lenses. As a result of the lens comparison, customer will be able to find out the most suitable lens design they need in person. To cater everyone’s individual lifestyle, there are progressive lenses that offer natural progression from distance vision through intermediate vision to near vision, there are also indoor progressive from intermediate to near vision, designed for those who tend to work with computer most of the time; as well as near to near vision progressive for those who have intensive documentary tasks constantly.

Simulation area
This Centre provides an unique simulation area of a study and a kitchen environment where customer can try out our wide range of trial lenses and experience in a real scenario. At the same time, our consultant will observe and provide guidance to the wearer on the proper usage method, making instant adjustment to the trial lens or frame according to wearer’s feedback or reaction, in order to achieve the best visual solution.

Exclusive Testing Mirror Table
Progressive lens has three distance visions to fullfil: distant, intermediate and near visions. It is crucial to acquire the correct wearing position, the viewing transition between the three distance visions and movement of the head. To provide a better solution in getting faster and easier adaptation, this Centre provides an exclusive assessment, in particular to progressive lens beginner or wearer adapting to a new pair of progressive lens glasses. This assessment involves wearer sitting in front of our exclusive testing mirror table, and with the readily-adjusted progressive lens spectacles by our consultant. Wearer will then proceed to vision practice according to the consultant’s instruction together with the aid of measuring tools.

Free follow-up services
In order to receive the best visual quality of progressive lens, acquiring the appropriate technique and wearing position are very important. Beginners often take some time to get used to it. To ensure our customers will be comfortably wearing their new glasses, this Centre provides regular follow-up services including frame adjustment and power review to ensure perfect placement and maximum comfort.

OPTICAL 88 Progressive Lens Centre
Address: 1/F., 85 Queen’s Road Central, Hong Kong (Above CITY CHAIN)
Reservation:2609 2430

Address: Shop No.101-102, 1/F.,Windsor House, Causeway Bay
Reservation:2890 7219

For more information of HOYA Progressive Lens, please visit : www.hoyavision/hk