【Company Info】OPTICAL 88 x EcoDrive Plastic Recycle Programme

香港每年大約有 2,100 噸塑膠被丟棄到堆填區,對環境同生態造成嚴重破壞。OPTICAL 88 今次與 EcoDrive Hong Kong 合作,回收眼藥水樽、眼藥水瓶及隱形眼鏡包裝,實行循環再造,護眼同時愛護地球!

1. 移除塑膠包裝上的錫紙/ 標籤
2. 倒清液體抹乾淨
3. 帶到 OPTICAL 88 指定回收點♻ :https://bit.ly/2W1BMZz



了解EcoDrive的Start Small Start Now 行動:http://www.ecodrivehk.com


[Contact lenses introduction】 Newly launched monthly disposable contact lenses are now available at OPTICAL 88!

ALCON is pursuing to give their customers a clean and comforable vision experience! AIR OPTIX® plus HydraGlyde ® Contact Lenses (astigmatism/progressive) bring together two advanced technologies designed to provide longer-lasting lens surface moisture and deposit protection. Come to get trial at OPTICAL 88 to enjoy the new upgraded experience.

SmartShield® technology : Helps shield against irritating deposits
all month long

HydraGlyde® Moisture Matrix : Attracts and maintains surface moisture on the lens through the end of the day

Product details and promotional offers: https://bit.ly/3j3rGkP